Wednesday, March 12, 2008


When the father and son play baseball together they bond.

The father and Son spend time together when they warm-up. When they spend time together they need to eat good.

The father teaches the son how to play baseball so they can be good at it.They get better when they teach each other.He teaches me in the park. My father taught me how to bat the ball. He also taught me how to strike people out.

When the father and son are on the same team,They work together to win the game. When they work together they win more points and win more games. My dad the game by bating the ball and he ran fast and nobody struck him out.

Baseball is the best sport. Baseball is cool and it gets you up. All of the time that my dad and I have spent playing baseball has helped us win games.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I want to learn

I want learn about baseball because it is fun. The most important thing in my life is to past all my classes for I can do good.